Our Research Team
Prof. Dave Watkinson
Chair in Conservation
Dave joined the conservation team at Cardiff University shortly after its inception. He has trained generations of conservators and now supervises a cohort of PhD researchers in addition to his teaching. He holds the Plowden Medal for innovative research and contribution to the conservation profession.
Jerrod Seifert
Analytical Laboratory Teaching Associate
PhD Researcher
Following dual BAs in Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology and Art History (University of Minnesota), Jerrod came to Cardiff to study for his MSc Conservation Practice. He has worked internationally as an archaeologist and conservator, most recently at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Çatalhöyük. His PhD researches the corrosion of marine cast iron and the efficacy of treatments designed to reduce its instability.
Johanna Thunberg
PhD Researcher
Arts and Humanities Research Council
National Museum Wales
After training as a conservator, Johanna has held conservation and teaching roles at Cardiff University where she is studying for a PhD. Her research centres on desiccated storage for archaeological metals and identifying instability in copper alloy artefacts.
Dr Nikki Emmerson
Senior Lecturer in Conservation
Nik began her career here as an undergraduate conservator in 2002. Now a Senior Lecturer, she focuses on researching corrosion prevention strategies and teaching research methods for heritage science. She supervises 8 PhD students and manages the climatic simulation laboratory and Raman spectroscopy.